A Bit About Us

Monday, January 28, 2013



Yes this is my blog related to enLiven and the pursuit of art.  After spending much of fall and even now in this early winter, marketing, developing show opportunities and deciding shows that may be entered, I am not in creating mode.   My daughter first mentioned this author in a TED talks.  http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/

I am reading (listening actually on CD)  and it is a poignant reminder of how quiet and time to contemplate is imperative to the creative process.   While the book relates to how those that are introverted are labeled quiet, those qualities are the ones that many of the great contributions to society--from van Gogh’s sunflowers to the invention of the personal computer. She relates that the qualities of the introvert relate to the power of creativity. 

Point taken.  I need to make more quiet time.