A Bit About Us

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Very Good Year

Can o Lilacs - BOS and On the Graybull - 1st at RSVP
I have been fortunate this year to be accepted in several juried shows and proud to win awards on these paintings. The inspiration of vegetables and clouds pulled me to the easel  and let me explore my impression of a moment.   The pastels will be in hiatus until next March.  Wonder what will be my inspiration next year?!?

Landline - BOS and 1st CAG National Show

Check out Locations link above and find some of these pieces for sale, and please don't miss my last show for this year at FrameMaster this Thursday the 10th for the Art Design & Dine  art tour.
Leadership Cheyenne Beautification Project
One of 8 artists to be chosen for a wrap
This was my first year to be chosen for the Pastel Society of Colorado Mile High International Show for Winter Beets and delighted to win an award for Fresh Market at the PSC miniature Show. Yep more beets.  Ya can't beet that as my pastel pal Jeannette quipped......

Yes,  a very good year.  Best to all in your pursuits in 2016.

Fresh Market
Winter Beets